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How to organize your fridge

This may sound really dull and OCD but it is important for hygiene and is just common sense.

The ideal temperature of a fridge should be between 0 – 4°C. The temperature of different parts of the fridge vary, but will also be affected by how full it is. Try not to cram too much food into the fridge as more air circulating will keep it cooler. The top of the fridge has the most consistent temperature, the bottom has the coolest, as does the back of the fridge. The shelves on the door will have the least cool temperature.

Don’t use the fridge as a dumping ground for uneaten food. Forgotten leftovers will contaminate fresh food you put in. Use any leftovers within 3 days.

Think of the food you store in your fridge in categories – dairy, cooked food, bottled food, raw food & vegetables.

Cooked food and left overs – store on the top shelf.

Dairy – either on the top shelf or, if you have one, the ‘deli’ drawer which may have a lower temperature.

Vegetables & salad – in a drawer, some have an environment which maintains moisture in vegetables or fruit.

Meat & fish – keep in packaging or put in sealed containers, cling film or bags. Even if well wrapped or packaged, always put raw food on the bottom shelf, for both the cooler temperature and also to prevent contamination. Any food defrosting must be put on a plate or bowl to catch blood or juices as they thaw.

Bottles of mustard, sauces, jams etc. – less perishable food can be put on the shelves in the door.