Hedgerow jelly
A treat to have with meat hot or cold – roast lamb, cold ham or with cheese so save your jam jars. Also make lovely presents.
Take some containers when you go for a walk & pick along the hedgerow.
450g cooking, eating or crab apples (or a combination), washed, cored & cubed
450g combination of anything from a hedgerow (blackberries, plums, rosehips, elderberries, sloes) but always include either blackberries or plums as they provide more juice
150ml water
granulated sugar
1 tsp chopped mint, rosemary or sage (optional)
Preheat oven to 160°C
Wash jam jars in soapy water and dry them on a tray in the oven for 10 minutes or wash in the dishwasher.
You will also need some waxed discs and either metal lids or transparent jam pot covers.
Put the apple and water in a large pan and simmer with a lid on until soft.
Add all the remaining fruit, continue to simmer until all soft.
Cool slightly and strain through a muslin bag overnight.
Put a saucer or small plate in the fridge. Measure the liquid and add 450g sugar to every 600ml of liquid. Bring to a boil, keep stirring until it has reached setting point, approximately 20 minutes. This can take longer than you think or recipes often say! To test take plate from fridge, put a drop of the boiling jelly on the plate, return to fridge for a minute. Take it out and push the jelly with your finger. If it crinkles, it is ready. If it is still runny, cook for a further few minutes and test again.
When ready, pour straight into sterilised jars, add herbs if using and place waxed disc on top and seal and cover with transparent cover with and elastic band or metal lid.
Approximate cost next to nothing!