Spiced poached pears
You could buy a tin of pears, but these are so much more delicious….
Serves 4
4 pears, peeled, halved & cored (any type as long as they are hard and not too ripe)
200g sugar
500ml water
1 cinnamon stick
3 star anise
3 cardamon pods lightly bashed
juice of 1/2 lemon
Dissolve sugar in water in a large pan over a low heat. In the meantime, peel pears with a potato peeler. Wriggle a sharp knife around the core in a circle and cut out. Add cinnamon stick, cardamon pods, star anise and lemon juice. Place the pears cut side up, cover with a lid and simmer for approximately 45 minutes or until soft enough to pierce through with a knife. Cool and serve with good quality vanilla ice cream or creme fraiche.
Approximate cost £2.00