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Week of 3rd February

Its dark, cold & into the term. Cook yourself some warming comfort food & bake a delicious coffee cake as a treat!


Serves 2

500g minced beef
200g smoked bacon or lardons
250g any combination of firmish fish, salmon or cod loin
125g king prawns
1 small whole free-range chicken
1 onion
2 large ripe avocados
1 red onion
small piece of ginger
2 lemons
2 lime
1 large cauliflower
1 broccoli
spinach, mange tout
25g roasted or marinated peppers
oregano, rosemary, thyme, flat leaf parsley, lemon grass, kafir leaves

400g tin chopped tomatoes
400g coconut milk
250g lasagne sheets
150g rice noodles

50g grated cheddar
325g unsalted butter
750ml milk
tomato puree
50g bread crumbs
25g pitted black olives
25g capers
anchovies in olive oil
fish sauce
220g plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
3 tbsp instant coffee
bag walnut halves
170g caster sugar
225g icing sugar
3 eggs
sea salt & freshly ground black pepper
olive oil

Proposed meal plan;
There are probably enough vegetables in this week’s recipes that you won’t need to buy any more. Some of the recipes are not worth cooking just for 2 e.g. lasagne so cook for 4 and either eat over a couple of days (can be stored in the fridge for unto 3 days) or freeze half for another week. Remember to always think if you can freeze unused ingredients, e.g. ginger which is best peeled and chopped before freezing. If you can’t freeze the fish, buy it later in the week. Alternatively buy already frozen fish and prawns, it will be cheaper.

Monday – Cauliflower steaks (recipe also makes enough for 4)
Tuesday – Lasagne (for 4)
Wednesday – Orecchiette with broccoli & anchovies
Thursday – repeat one of the above which you haven’t already eaten or frozen
Friday – Thai fish soup
Weekend – Roast chicken

Snack & treat – Guacamole, Coffee cake

Approximate cost £35 assuming you have some ingredients such as olive oil & flour in your larder.